Becky Eshleman from Hagerstown, Md. is continuing the tradition of the making of Prune People.
Sarah Miller, formerly from Mifflinburg Pa., now of Berlin, Pa. made the Prune People for 20 years for the Mifflinburg Christkindl Market years in the years 1997 – 2016, using the traditional German, as well as American folk life and folklore figures.
Becky who is Sarah’s niece, has been involved with the Prune People at Mifflinburg’s Christkindl Market since Becky came with her parents to the 2005 Mifflinburg Christkindl Market at 11 years of age.
When Sarah was asked to make the Prune People for the Mifflinburg, Pa Christkindl Market, she wasn’t too sure how it was to be done.
With a bit of research and lots of crafting, Sarah has designed and crafted quit a collection of Prune People.
The tradition of the Prune People stems from an old German story of an old man who was very sick. His neighbor children came to help him. As he was very poor he could not pay them. So the man made little people out of dried fruits and nuts and gave them as gifts.
To this day it is a real treasure to have a Prune Person in your possession – especially a Chimney Sweep. The Chimney Sweep is to bring you good luck when you touch one.
Becky also enjoys letting her imagination run as she crafts the different occupations of the Prune People.
The Prune People are all handcrafted so there no two Prune People exactly alike. We also try to craft custom Prune People to meet your wishes, if at all possible.
Sarah and Becky have designed different Prune People to go with the theme of the yearly Mifflinburg Pa Christkindl Market.
A transition time of passing the torch of crafting the Prune People is occurring from 2012 -2019 from Sarah to Becky.
You may contact either Becky or Sarah and your order will get to Becky.
Below is a few pictures of their booth at the Mifflinburg Christkindl Market and of a few pictures of a close up view of some of the Prune People.
Becky and Sarah have designed several different sizes of the Prune People, a do-it-yourself-kit, and a Find The Prune Man Game.
As the years roll by the children are still in awe of the Prune People at the Mifflinburg Pa Christkindl Market.
Call or e-mail for the current prices and availability .
The prices for the Prune People Items range from $8.00 – $20.00 plus sales tax and shipping.
As our items are handmade there maybe a waiting time till we get an item/items completed.
Thank-you for your patience!
Kervin and Becky Eshleman
695 Wallops Hill Road, Stevens, Pa. 17578
Stephen and Sarah Miller
9018 Glades Pike, Berlin, Pa. 15530
And you can find us on Facebook.