The Bear Oil Price is:
8 oz. for $24.00
4 oz. for $13.00
1 oz. for 5.00
We use bear grease / bear lard in our homemade leather dressing.
I think the bear grease has more of the bear oil in it then the bear lard. I am using bear grease and bear lard interchangeably in my article.
The bear oil is used in different aspects of the long-rifle use and care. The bear oil is the oil which comes to the top of the bear grease / bear lard and is then poured off.
With the making of bear grease / bear lard and bear oil I use bear fat that I trimmed off all the trimmings and discarded the trimmings.
I then ground the bear fat into teeny pieces with my meat grinder.
With that finished I was ready to render the bear fat to make the bear grease / bear lard.
I placed the bear fat into an electric roaster or my roasting pan in the oven and cooked the fat for hours. As the membrane which holds the fat together is separated from the grease or oil, it turns to cracklings. When the bear grease / bear lard is finished, the cracklings will turn brown and sink to the bottom and float back to the top. I needed to keep stirring the bear fat periodically so the bear fat wouldn’t burn. When I decided the bear grease / bear lard was all cooked I strained the cracklings from the bear grease / bear lard and put the bear grease / bear lard thru my lard press. Then I put the bear grease / bear lard into glass jars and seal it. The cracklings are good to eat for a snack or to put out for the birds. That was the process of turning the bear fat into bear grease / bear lard. The ending product of the bear lard is no better then beginning product of the bear fat.
The bear fat must be made immediately into bear grease/ bear lard.
Bear fat will spoil in less then 3 days unless it is frozen until you can get the bear fat processed. If the raw bear fat is frozen for a length of time it will go rancid and take on an old smell.
Depending on what the bear was eating the bear fat will not be good.
If the bear fat smells bad the bear lard will smell bad.
When I rendered out the bear lard my house smelled like I was making homemade donuts!
Bear grease / bear lard is very greasy but does make the best popcorn, pie crust, biscuits, fried chicken and fried eggs!
I am not providing bear lard and bear oil as a food item even though I process the bear lard in a clean environment. We have used the bear lard in cooking when we have an abundance of the bear lard and don’t need it for our leather dressing.
Bear grease / bear lard can also be used for medicinal purposes and for hair oil, hand lotion, or for chapped lips. An old folk lore has it that if a man greases his head with bear oil he will grow an abundance of hair!
There can be several layers in the bear grease when you process it. The bear oil comes to the top in the jar, and the bear grease / bear lard is heavier so it is at the bottom.
After the canned bear grease / bear lard sets for awhile is when the bear oil comes to the top.
There is a mystery with bear lard. The weather has a lot to do with bear grease / bear lard and bear oil.
You can use the bear grease / bear lard to tell the weather. Some folks use bear grease as a barometer to tell the weather. I have a chart for telling the weather posted below. It is free upon request with any order ( or you may copy it yourself.)
If the oil clouds up it can be heated again and it will turn back to the bear oil state.
I try to get the bear oil as pure as possible by pouring off the oil as the lard settles to the bottom. But bear oil is hard to predict if it will stay an oil until it is processed several times.
Our Homemade Leather Dressing Comes in 4 sizes of Plastic Containers
The prices of our homemade leather dressing in the plastic containers are as follows:
16 oz. plastic container – $27.00
8 oz. plastic container – $16.00
4 oz. plastic container – $9.00
Small plastic container – $5.00 ( One free with the purchase of each one of our possible bags)
Our Homemade Leather Dressing Comes in Four Sizes of Metal Containers
The prices of our homemade leather dressing in the metal containers are as follows:
8 oz. metal container – $16.00
4 oz. metal container – $11.00
2 oz. metal container – $9.00
1 oz. metal container – $5.00
Mini 1/2 oz. metal container – $3.75 (not pictured
Shipping will be added to the price.
Our leather dressing is only made with the bear lard and pure beeswax.
I use our leather dressing to waterproof our leather pouches and leather possible bags, ball pouches, flint wallets, and frizzon covers.
Our homemade leather dressing can also be used for hand lotion, chap stick, hair grease, or on your boots.
Our Bear Lard, Bear Oil, and Leather Dressing products are available with supply and demand which depends on the season and availability.
Thanks for being patient with us as we also thankfully depend on the hunters.
Shipping will be added to all the items.
As the bear lard and bear oil is processed and the leather dressing is handmade there maybe a waiting time until we get the item/items completed.
Thank-you for your patience!
We have six sizes of the empty metal containers with a cap lid and two sizes of the metal containers with the screw lid available.
Empty Metal Container with lids
1/4 oz. empty tin $1.25
1/2 oz. empty tin $2.55
1 oz. empty tin $3.00
2 oz. empty tin $3.20
4 oz. empty tin 4.50
8 oz. empty tin 4.70
Shipping will be added to the price.
Empty Metal Containers with a screw lid
3 oz. deep metal container with a twist lid $2.45
8 oz. deep metal container with a twist lid $3.00
Shipping will be added to the price.
Our contact information:
Stephen and Sarah Miller
9018 Glades Pike
Berlin, Pa 15530
Phone: 814-267-5887
e-mail: millersroxburystore2011@gmail.com
Please contact us by either telephone, e-mail, or on facebook messenger with your complete order, address, and telephone number.
As our items are handmade there may be a waiting time until we get an item/items completed.
Thank-you for your patience!
Shipping will be calculated at the time of sale.
Pa. Sales tax will be added for all Pa. sales.
I will then contact you with your total amount of your purchase.
All sales and info will be kept confidential.
We accept cash, checks, money orders, Visa, or Mastercard.
All credit card sales will have a 4 % convenience fee added.
We do not keep any credit card info on file for repeat orders.
We will ship your item/items after we receive payment.
Thank-you for your business!